This is not the India that Bhagat Singh wanted.
This is not the India that Bhagat Singh wanted.
We offer a lot of training in which some of them are one on one training please click down to FIND OUT MORE
An overview of the training session should be presented to partcipants prior to the starting of training session. This can either be posted on a notice board or whiteboard or communicated by the coach as the participants gather to commence training.
The warm-up should focus on low-intensity skill specific activities perform a stretching activity.
The length and strcuture of warm-up varies among sports and the age and condition of participants however its the purpose is the same for all sports.
It is very important and usually the most enjoyable part of the session. The are two reasons for this
Fitness includes cardiovascular functioning, which is improved by aerobic activites that get your heart and lungs working faster.
it also includes muscle strength, flexibility and balance.
A cool-down of five to ten minutes helps to distribute waste products through the body, gradually returning the body to resting levels and reducing the harmful impact of dramtic changes to the body's activity level.
The Review involves a discussion by coaches and participants about the important parts of the training session and should include some reflection on what worked, and what did not, during the session. This information then feeds into the planning process for fututre sessions.
Triathlon and Cycling are Endurance Sports.
Movement Skills - This include dynamic warm-up drills, running drills and corrective exercises that may be unique to each athlete.
We have included this as a major Component, since it is often a limiting factor for many athlete.
"You are what you think, most of the time."
To go fast, it is essential to include some sort of speed training (in all three Disciplines if you're a triathlete) throughout the year.
Our ability to move efficiently with good biomechanics is a crictical skill for all endurance athletes, and one which requires continual work throught the career.
Training is not merely putting in as many miles as possible. It is thr ability to stress the body and recoverr so that it adapts to a higher level.